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Mini Truckin General \  wheres lief?????

wheres lief?????

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
views 556
replies 29
following 27
david49910   +1y
He sold that truck? Man, that truck was my favorite, along with Milo.

seansmitty42   +1y
i wish someone would invite him back.. he was always helping out everyone no matter how bad douche bags ragged on his setup
hitncry   +1y
Yeah Lief's truck was the first minitruck I ever saw in person. So clean!

I saw him last sunday at the severed show sitting in his old truck reminiscing...

plantedleif   +1y

First off let me start off by saying that I appreciate all that has been said about me and my Mazda in the past and in this forum, whether it be negative or positive. I was told about this topic by a friend of mine and I thought it best to let all of you know where I stand.

Yes I have sold, rather I traded, the Mazda to a great friend of mine who had something I had always wanted, a rare 57 oval window beetle. As you can see from the above pic it is slammed to the hilt and my intentions are to restore it back to its original condition. I have had the beetle for a little over 7 months now and below are the progress pics of what it looks like now.

I have very close friends in NO REGRETS who are supporting me and my decision and I will always be thankful to them, and you as well in the SSM world, for all they and you have done and said about me.

I understand that a VW beetle does not necessarily fit within the criteria of the Mini Truckin' world but it was time for me to move onto something that I had a better appreciation for.

I have not posted a profile of this particular beetle within SSM but I know that I have the support of all of you as well as the decision I have made. Leaving the Mini Truckin' world was a big step for me, something I have been apart of for a long time. To this date I cannot think of any one person who was the original owner of a mini truck and to have it for as long as I have, almost 18 years. I have all of you to thank for allowing me to be apart of something that meant so much to me for so long but as I stated it was time for me to move onto something that I really wanted to get back into.

Thanks again to all of you for your past support, I will continue to be apart of the Mini Truckin' scene, I just wont be draggin' frame anymore, not that I ever did.

See Ya!!
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sdime22s   +1y
where's the dog Leif?
locaddy   +1y
Damn bro, nice to hear from you. You were one of the good ones back when I posted here regularly. You always tried to help on every post that you could and Im sure alot of people noticed that. Just wanted to say good luck on the bug and whatever else you're getting into these days. -Mike-
plantedleif   +1y
I had some really good times on SSM back when I first joined but as time went on a lot of negativity was being generated towards myself and others. When I first got involved with the forums there was a group of people who were always helping out others just as myself and everybody had everyones back. As time went on things changed and a majority of these good guys left because of the negative attitutes that others started creating on this web-site. It is not to say that all guys in this scene are bad guys but you let one bad apple in and it affects everyone else. At my age and for how long I had been in the Mini Truckin' scene a guy can only take so much.

I see that the Kris Bloon has started a forum on the Home Page that is aimed at trying to put a stop to all the hatered that is, and has been taking place on this web-site for a vey long time. It is to bad that he is acting on it now as a lot of good people, including myself, have lost interest in this web-site because of all of the negativity. That is the main reason why I got out of the Mini Truckin' scene, why I am no longer a part of this web-site and why I have turned my attention towards restoring a vehicle. I am still a good guy who wishes to ba a part of something positive not negative and SSM just was not doing it for me.

It is funny how one thing can have an adverse affect on how one feels about another and what direction they decide to take because of it.

I have made numerous friends on this web-site, many of whom I have met in person at various shows, and as you stated they all appreciated everything I contributed to this web-site even if it was the annoying Milo the Dawg. But it is things like that that help to keep positve energy. It is just to bad that others took offence to Milo and the postings that I left on both here in the forums as well as on the many profiles I left tags on.

I am enjoying the new interest I have found in my beetle and I do not regret the choice I have made in trading the Mazda for it. To me it was well worth the trade and it will be something I will truley appreciate in both the restoration process as well as the value that it will earn in time.

See Ya!!
jmn444   +1y
Leif, that bug is flippin bad ass dude!

I find myself over on the jalopy journal more than here these days too... not really anything wrong with here, just switching gears to work on the '40 buick instead...

hope you at least throw up some progress pics as you go along for us to drool over though!

good luck to ya!

Uncle Fester   +1y
The bug is looking great. I sure like the green jack stands. If you ever feel like chatting look me up I still remember seeing the Dawg at the Pavilions I think I talked your ear off.
BK2LIFE   +1y
Hey Leif, good job on the trade, that Mazda was a piece of crap anyway!! I remember when I first met you, and you told me you would never lower or modify your truck. You had what 2 inch lowering blocks back then? Also before it was green, you used to "wax" it almost every day with wood furniture cleaner, I think the lemon smelling type!! hahaha those were the days. Seriously though, a lot has changed over the years, some came some went, but over all it doesn