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Ford Trucks \  toyo front clip???

toyo front clip???

Ford Trucks Make Specific
views 314
replies 19
following 9
CrazyScissors666   +1y
i like the camber just don't like buying tires lol
tbmx86   +1y
Im almost done with mine. If you want some pics and problems I encountered doing it let me know.
bodydropped85   +1y
tyler, if you have enough pics maybe we could do a tech article? i know a BUNCH of people are wanting to see pics of how its done.
CrazyScissors666   +1y
hey, i want see the pics when u get done it would help me out alot, and oh James u said it gets really extensive like how extensive
bodydropped85   +1y
steering and brakes, making sure its on there strait andevery thing.
still2low4urho   +1y
ya tech article would be cool because im an interested in doing this...i am in the process of trying to bd my truck and make it lay out the rest of the way. I would like to use my frame from the fire wall back since i just paid an A**load for the bag work that i was too lazy to do at the time. SSM has been a lot of help for me since i have found it, it was so hard to find good help on other websites. There is a lot good knowledgeable peoples here its very helpful
tbmx86   +1y
What program would I use to write it up and be able to post it on here? Word, Office etc? I have a whole bunch of pictures and some free time since Im waiting on my motor to get back.
bodydropped85   +1y
just start a new thread in here, tools etc. put em on photo bucket and link em here in the thread as you go.
slammedxonair   +1y
yea i wana see, start it up.
dan48p   +1y
the toyota front clip is the best thing that ever happened to my ranger. there are about 130 pictures on my cardomain site, probably about 30-40 of them are of the yoter clip install.

the site is
you will have to scroll down a ways to find them but they are there.

me and my buddy spent about 19 hours just measuring everything before i cut anything. but i am a perfectionist and it can probably be done in less time. this was also my first frame clip install.

the way i did it was fount the center line between the front hubs on both clips and drew it on with a paint pen. then made a bunch of measurements to get the right height, lenght and to keep everything square.

if i were to do it over, i would start with the yoter front end and build the frame off of that. the ranger frame that i have is 15 years old and the word "square" is not exactly something ford was really worried about when they built these things.