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Under Construction \  Project "My Other Girlfriend" Updated 5-22-2007

Project "My Other Girlfriend" Updated 5-22-2007

Under Construction General Discussions
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keele   +1y
Edited: 4/23/2007 6:35:02 AM by Layin Low 4 Life

Few pictures from some work Saturday evening:

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speedylowz   +1y
looking good i like the framework!!!!!!!
splitdecision   +1y
It looks nice man. I am thinking of going to a bag on the bars setup when I redo min this winter.
keel you need to find out whats wrong your camera cuz these pink pics your takin is killin me haha
BK2LIFE   +1y
maybe an extra gusset along the upper bag mounts. those 2 "little" bars dont seem like they will have enough side load strength. bags on bars have a tremendouns amount of energy in them when aired up. it would be really easy at this point to add extra strength into it. over all it looks really good.
keele   +1y
Originally posted by MIDWEST DRAGFEST

keel you need to find out whats wrong your camera cuz these pink pics your takin is killin me haha

Mo if you don't start spelling my mother fucking name right. . . I don't know what the camera's problem is sometimes it does fine and then others it blows ass.

keele   +1y
Yeah James this is just the progress thus far. I still have some more bent tubing planned to tie everything in together even more so that its SOLID. Just got late and I got tired. Thanks for the input though. I will check and make sure when I am done with my idea in the back that it is fully stable
haha damn i didnt even realize i spelled it wrong haha. you goin out there tonight?
keele   +1y
Dunno yet I'll message you here in a bit and talk at ya
alright cool. think were gonna start on the blazer this week also