Car Toys
body filler w/plastic resins such as "Bondo" which is a brand name will not adhere properly to any primers, sealers, or topcoats except epoxy. Body filler can be applied directly to bare metal if scuff sanded w/at least 80 grit. Remember the coarser the better for adhesion however, you may remove or take out more of the metal w/a coarser material. You can also apply epoxy primer to bare metal which has etching capabilities and will also accept filler w/plastic resins directly over it. Laquer primers are a thing of the past in most shops today. Laquer has a tendency to pull solvents to the top which can increase solvent popping and/or bullseyes even on properly prepped repair areas. 2k is the way to go over repaired areas. Very durable primer. Personally if you plan on stripping the vehicle, I would at that time do as much sheet metal straightening as possible and either apply your filler directly to the metal or epoxy over the bare metal do your body work and then 2k the repair areas. Epoxy is very tough to sand properly but is one of the most versatile primers out there. Lots of hot rod/resto shops use epoxy regularly because of it's versatility. Sorry for the long post but I hope this helps some. If you have any more questions I might help you with you can pm me. I may not reply right away but I will reply eventually.