Edited: 6/7/2007 11:47:26 PM by B rad rangeron22z
1.I am jealous...you get to drive your truck, and damn it looks good!...SOBCongrats, I know it must be a good feeling, driving a badass truck like you have...2.Finally, some more haters on my truck...I wasnt feeling the hate because noone types it on my page anymore, *shrug*...But, if the dude with the blue and black F150 wants to start a beef, thats fine...I have only praised how his truck is coming along, and now he starts this!? *shrug*My truck may be coming along slower than some, but fuck the assholes who are tired of "hearing" about it, progress is progress, and sorry that I update my page...guess I need to take the pics off again...motherfuckers *shrug*