i've turbo'd one before. if you plan on running it without an intercooler dont push over 6psi. get an external wastegate that you can change the spring in. if you intercool it, you can safely go up to 10psi and if you do a full piggyback for fuel and timing the stock motor can take as much as 15psi and still be safe and dependable. go to you will need to spend lots of money there. you need injectors, fuel pump, adjustable FPR, dont forget the colder plugs and a piggyback for the fuel and timing. is the place to check. they have lots of toyota engine controllers. unles you wanna get crazy and build a low compression motor and push some serious boost, then you will need to go full standalone and swap your mass air to speed density. tryint to turbo a naturally aspirated engine is gonna have its querks. promise you it will be a headache but if you ever stick through it and get it all right its fun as hell. i built a 92 turbo's and an 03 turbo'd and they are so much fun but cost more than you can ever imagine. here is a picture of my manifold and my setup