i dont know what all has been said, didnt feel like reading, but heres my thoughts. 3 12's depending how you run them (ported or sealed or whatever) can be a handicap to the over all system. What I mean is this, how much room do you honestly have? For 3 12's sealed thats easy volume wise, but will your truck allow a straight edge rectangle basic box to be 40-42 inches wide? More than likely it's going to be VERY tight. Ported, thats and easy 7 cubes needed after all displacement. An easy 9 before anything. Lots of port is needed for 3 decent 12's.
That being said, if you have the room, do you NEED 3 12's. More times than not in a daily, quality is not on the same side of the fence as quantity. Amazing isn't it?
Do you have the electrical power to properly run a 1200+ watt amp? More than likely again, you don't. And by properly I mean PROPERLY, not good enough. Full potential is not at half the equipment.
Another thing, if your not careful the ohm loads can get tricky and just be plain gay. .6 ohms, .3 ohms, manufacturers will NOT warranty .66 ohms or whatever it comes out to be, as 1 ohm. Although your system NEVER sees a true .6 ohms. The ohm load fluctuates rediculously in most street applications, but they don't want you to know about that.
Just be careful if you do go with 3 because it may not be the best setup for your ride. I tend to work with single sub setups or even number sub setups, it's easier to work with and more symmetrical.