KEG Media
Originally posted by ShakinPlates
Give me a Fuking Break!!!!!
This thread is the reason why I dont even mess with this stuff anymore... The politics in this hobbie are sad and absolutely stupid. Everyone is extremely to critical and worried about someone stealing their idea. If I was the copyright police, my rule would be simple... If its released for public view, you release liability... Plain and simple!!!! I understand some of you are in this for a living but dont go crazy on the casual "choppers". They are starting just like all of you big guys did.
The people who do this for a passion are the ones I watch. Not the ones who create 5 different url's just to point you to their website.
Sorry if I piss a certain amount of you off but you are the ones who discourage me from even displaying my work on here.
youre obviously talkin about me, so same my fuckin name next time. dont be a chump about it. no one went crazy on the kid so give it a fuckin break. you aint no different from anyone else. if someone copied your work you'd same something just as well. and so what if i own many domain names. wtf does that got to do with anything and why even bring it up. are you jealous you cant make it as a designer and i did? hard work and dedication pays off, not doin half assed work.