I put a new A-Z compresser in my truck in march and i always thought it took long to fill the tank (about 8 min from 145-175) and is VERY noisy.. It also takes to much current. This has been the worst compresser i have ever used. About 3 days ago i got in my taco and no air???? sat there for about 10 mins gor the compresser to fill the tank and i left parked it for a few hours and got back in it and no air ...... found out it is leaking thru the compresser... I put a secound check valve to fix the problem but i dont trust this POS so i ordered 2 viar 480's insted
I can't say anything good or bad about the AZ's. However when one of my 450's went out I ordered the dual 480 pak and have been very pleased and I am sure you will be too.
I have used viar alot and very happy with them but a edc is the best no matter what... I thought about putting a york on mine but my taco is supercharged and i dont want to take power away form that
I blew 2 outta my 3 viair 450's after a little roadtrip, Wasn't putting anymore than 150 psi through them and they shelled. Now I have 3 AZ's and havent had a problem in months. just my 02 though.
i had two azs that went out, called em up they sent me 2 more, i sent them the old ones and its been good since...knock on wood
but when they work they outperform viair, when they work