i have been i down to earth so cals lowest for 18 years now and have been president since 94 the club has been around since 1988. i actually met some of the guys from the mid west at texas heat wave back in 97. we partied with them and they were all cool to us we even talked about them running our logo way back then but they didnt want to so that was that no big deal. they have had some badass trucks like that orange hard body and they did thier thing back were they were from. sorry to hear that they gave up thier name but at least they are still in the sport. thats just a little information josh did not have to answer the question completely hope this clears up the confusion
A shop in Iowa (laodies Customs) built a DIFFERENT ram charger within the last year. i can post some links for you if that would help... http://iowaminitruckinassoc.com/Eric.htm