as stated, it was a 4wd, that's why all the camber and 24 lugs. new arms alone would not "fix" the camber issue. it currently has custom upper and lowers. the 4wd track width is more than that of it's 2wd counterpart. it was narrowed by a total of 3" up front just to get the wheels into the fenders. so, arms alone would not solve the "problem". it would be solved in the mounts and a new, longer upper. but that's not what the customer wanted. but to put some at ease... it corrects itself by the time it reaches drive highth.
now... why am i selling it. well, i'm just helping sell it for one of my customers. during the build he found out he had cancer and is trying to sell it to help recupe some of the medical bills.
about the price. make an offer. those that are serious about it will, and we will go from there. i have no expectations, so all offers will be accepted.