Originally posted by gravity5
Candy is NOT for a beginner... First you have got to get a perfect coat of silver or gold, and I mean perfect as any tiger striping or blotchyness will show thru and be amplified by the candy coats. Then you have got to be able to lay out around 3 0 6 even coats of candy and you cannot just go over and fix them, if you get striping you might as well sand it down and go bak to the base again. It has a lot to do with gun control, overlap, and speed, but proper gun setup makes a huge difference as well. Most shops using HOK will start at around 5 grand, and go up from there. But if you want a near candy effect, for less money and an easier sprayout go to the kandy basecoats from HOK...they have s very kandy esque appearance but are considerably easier to spray.
Its not as easy as sanding it and re-spray, because if you base over kandy, the kandy will bleed into the basecoat, and change the colour, then you will be kanding over a differnt base, and your colour will be differnt. I sprayed a kandy red on my truck, with no striping or moddling, but the key is to have paint experience, and lots of time. I spent 24 hours in the booth between my base, kandy, ghost flames, airbrush work, and clear.