Edited: 9/9/2007 8:09:03 PM by MysteriousGT1
Originally posted by gmccsierra
Originally posted by MysteriousGT1
Edited: 9/9/2007 3:51:00 PM by MysteriousGT1
Originally posted by gmccsierra
Originally posted by NO1LOWR
yea anything gm i have crazy res.
how/where do you get this?
you can have some crazy high res nissans when you need them at
www.nissannews.com ... all other media sites have usernames/passwords to gain access to them, and they are very hard to get a hold of a account for the High res galleries!
Why is it so hard? Do you need like a professional reputation beforehand or something?
im not sure why they make it so hard, only thing i can think of is that "Media access" is only specifically for "Media purposes"
NO1LOWR: nice chop bud, i like the ling bed conversion!
I am doing one up on this contest to test out my new harddrive...hopefully it does not crash this time haha