i know alpine rocks ass, i've heard memphis is really good, and i've heard infinity kappa is awesome, but these are all pretty pricey. i'm looking for something in the $50-$75 range for right now. The thing is, i've got the amps and subs, but i need to get mids and highs and a head unit to get tunes in the burb. I've got a clarion in dash dvd player in my daily, and i love it. I've never had any problems at all with it, so that's the head unit i'm going with for sure. I'm getting $1400 for my wheels, it'll probably be around $1250 after paypal takes their big ass bite, i have to pay about $600 to pay off a credit card, and i want to get an alarm ($200), soleniods ($100), the head unit ($500) and the mids and highs if i can. If yall think it's better to wait and get the good stuff, let me know, but i'd rather have tunes sooner rather than later, you know? I need the alarm because i'm tired of getting into the burb by opening the wing window and having to stick my fat meat hook of an arm through that tiny hole to hit a button under the dash. Thanks for the suggestions, keep em coming.