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Ask A Pro \  Shorted shit! PLZ HELP

Shorted shit! PLZ HELP

Ask A Pro Q & A
views 761
replies 22
following 15
yourbabysdaddy   +1y
and if you do have a DC voltage meter check at the battery from terminal to terminal, then check from positve of the battery to ground for the same voltage. then check from negative terminal to a posive point either at the starter selenoid or under hood fuse box. you should be getting the same voltage at all test points, if you dont then you have a bad cable. the only other test you can do is to do an amperage draw test on each lead to make sure it didnt "pinpoint" or blow open inside the insulation...because just because you can read voltage doesnt mean you will be able to pull amperage, and amperage is what turns the starter, lights the lights and runs the stereo
sinwagon   +1y
Get a haynes or Chilton manual with a wiring diagram and look for a fusable link or relay.
gettwisted07   +1y
FINALLY>.......ok so its been like all day. You guys have been tryin to help me. Thanks for all the help! I got a print out of the entire truck electric work and traced everything. there was a burnt wire from the starter relay to the starter solinoid somehow im not sure. nothin else messed up but it did burn my 500 dolla eclipse head unit. fried that bitch up! so now i have to make a nice mount to drag the shit out of it! thanks alot for everything!