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Mini Truckin General \  Ernie from Minitruckin

Ernie from Minitruckin

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
views 434
replies 32
following 19
dragrocker   +1y
HELL YEA!! can someone PLEASE scan and post up the toy drive for me.. PLEASE..
dragrocker   +1y
i hope i get it in the mail tomorrow. thanks a million guys its very appreciated you guys ran our toy drive. it goes to a GREAT cause. thanks again from us all
HotRodDime   +1y
np cliff

nryota   +1y
Originally posted by HotRodDime

ya the guys on the west coast get it last because our distribution center is back east but with us doing two different covers now it's worth it to have a subscription to see the different cover and to get it on the newstand early so you have one for the shitter

did i miss something??

HotRodDime   +1y
ya you usually do
nryota   +1y
hey what the hell is that supposed to mean?? have you been talkin to ernie?? damn it thats it i am comin there!!!no seriuosly what two covers..??

HotRodDime   +1y

but for those of you that didn't know, we've done two different covers on a few issues... one cover for the newstand and a different cover for the subscriber... so if you want to get both covers you'll need to go to the store and pick up a copy
nryota   +1y
oh that explains it all....thanks buddy your such a help.

twistedsdime   +1y
Hey Mike and ernie I sent you a pm.
gimp5561   +1y
Originally posted by HotRodDime


but for those of you that didn't know, we've done two different covers on a few issues... one cover for the newstand and a different cover for the subscriber... so if you want to get both covers you'll need to go to the store and pick up a copy

when did this start and what month's are there two covers. i have every mag from 88 on.. i would like too have all of them. truckin did the samething years back and it was a pain in the ass to get both covers. so mike or ernie can you please get this info for me. thank you shannon bullis