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Mini Truckin General \  Supportive significant others

Supportive significant others

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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following 45
ib_draggin   +1y
mine doesnt really care for my truck, but wants to build either a Cuda or a old Charger one day, but says she will support me with whatever i want to do and hit shows with me also, thats all i care about
Pa Pa Dragger   +1y
My wife supports me 100%. She helped me while I was building it, she helps clean it and goes to every show with me. Hell, she tries to get me to go to more shows than I care to go to. She schedules all the shows, reserves all the hotels, buy's all the food, loads all our needs in her rig,tells me when it is and hands me directions how to get there as we are leaving. Don't get any better than that.
no1lowr   +1y
i onyl date non-needy chicks, or business driven women, this usually works out because they dont get jealous of the customs im building, they are to busy with thier own life and we usually just share the companionship of one another, just keep it physical and your truck and garage time will not suffer. it also helps if you make em pay for 1/2 of everything, they realize real quick that they are equal and dont deserve to be put on a pedistool.


this isnt the best method for keeping them around if they are not the right type of women, this goes for a select group of independant business oriented ladies. lol
Down_To_Earth_Chick   +1y
I brought my old man into the scene and for a guy not to like it....there is something wrong.
superstan   +1y
my truck aint a mini. and not to sound gay but i love my truck more then my woman lol. that truck is always gonna be there. everyone sayd i should get rid of it but i have more into it then i will ever get out of it. im gonna fix it up one day lol. when u put everything into a truck it will be around. with a woman who knows lol.
LowBlazin   +1y
my girls not too big on the truck scene. she doesn't understand. she says shes jealous of trucks sometimes.
FullSizeRST   +1y
mine likes hitten up shows and helping me out whith it and she cleans it good too..she just hates to see the ups man or fedex man because she cant stand that i spend more money on my truck than i spend on her and stuff for the house .........but over all she likes the scene and going to the shows because she likes the rides and the amount of time we all spend working on them to look the way they do ..
low95xlt   +1y
in the begining mine hated it thoguht it was the stupidest childish thing, but after jsut short of 7 yrs together and 6 beinging engaged every year she more and more has been into it.. she fought me over the switch box after her 1st ride in my bagged ranger and now it is waht are we doign next, so this past year we did a together project. a 3500 longbed non dually she said i could spend what i want on the truck as long as she could match what i spent on the truck on our wedding, so i said ok and best part she paid chipped in for alot of the stuff LOL
inomrthenudo   +1y
My wife is mostly supportive, unless I am spending a few weeks on it, then I get the "truck is more importsnt then me" speech, but 99% of the time she is great. I gave her a ride and now she is a member too, so now I have no problems. Just include her in what you do and it will be all good.
chevyman992002   +1y
Mine loves it. She quit a job she loved back home in New Orleans to move up here to Wyoming with me so I could go to Wyotech. She works up here to pay the bills while I'm in school. Doesn't get any more supportive than that.