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Mini Truckin General \  Your ride in the eyes of society

Your ride in the eyes of society

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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LaidNeon   +1y
I drive a neon, so i pretty much get crap anywhere & from just about everyone. The people that understand it, really like it. My friends use to give me crap for it when i first got it. I learned to look past all the BS, take all the negatives as compliments & used all that to build my neon the way it is today
maztang (ryan)   +1y
everyone likes my trucks but jokingly make fun of it. they ask me if i want them to poor some mirracle grow on it and make it into a big truck. i just reply with... nope, i like my 30 mpg, you can keep your 13 mpg.

what was really funny was a few weeks ago i was dragging on my way to work and on what i thought was a friend of mine. it turned out to be someone i didn't even know but works in the same building as me. he pulled up behind me when i went to park and when i got out he just left. i heard later that he was cussing up a storm about what happened and called me a frito bandito motherfu*** (whatever that means) hahaha. he got crazier when he found out i am white. hahaha. but he never had the balls to say anything to me. hahahaha
KCTACO   +1y
I live in Houston,Texas and I get tons of love in my town...Move down here. =) I do get alot of retarded comments but most of them are just in jest...Just laugh it off or keep quiet...You should see the old ladys at church when I lay rocker next to there lincolns...Priceless! lol
On a side note...I have had the comment..."Minitrucks are for guys that cant get it up" and I just said "Mine drags the ground..." He had nothing to say lol!!
shortrodeo   +1y
Edited: 10/16/2007 9:27:44 PM by ShortRodeo

I live in Sacramento CA, and there is little to no mini trucks out here.. alot of meximelt autozone S10s with euro lights and chrome door molding and stuff like that.. but only once in like ever 3-4 months do i see a real mini on the street.

People in my neighborhood are the only ones that have seen my truck in the last year or so since it went from a basicaly stock truck layin door to a full custom. They all have positive things to say about it and i always get the people walking or drivin by stopin and sayin how cool or different my "PowerWheels" looks lol. whatever it is its usualy good and my street has a few DONKS, some Oldschool Muscle types and alot junk box scrapers with huge sterios... Only hate i take is the DONK kids tellin me that 17s are no good and that my truck would only be cool on 24s and up since 24s are the benchmark out here now.... oh well.

anyways I dont know what the cops will say about my truck, i just hope they mentaly group me with the dudes rolling in the hot rods and t-buckets... guess ill have to stop wearin my "Famous" clothing when i drive my truck and instead throw on an ugly Hawian shirt or something lol.
TwistedMinis   +1y
I get a lot of thumbs up on the freeway from guys in custom stuff. Usually the guys in lowered trucks, older Chevy and Ford trucks, and lots of hot rodders, and the local lowrider guys. Only people that give me nasty looks is ricers and yuppies. I was stopped at a light once, next to a couple in an Escalade, probably mid 30s, and when I stopped they looked over, with a nasty look and rolled their window up, then turned up their noses. I thought it was funny. Could have been the fact that I was blasting Nickatina.
shortrodeo   +1y
Word Nickatinia! Probably why they rolled up the windows!

Originally posted by TwistedMinis

Could have been the fact that I was blasting Nickatina.

NRlaydtaco   +1y
the New Mexico scene is very small but i always got props on my old 2000 silverado i just sold, now i got a bodydropped 03 tacoma so cant wait to get it rollin will be one of the only rides im my city thats bodydropped. i just always got shit from the lowriders hittin switches or askin if i wanted to do a hoppin contest lol, so i just layed it out on them. haha
TwistedMinis   +1y
Originally posted by ShortRodeo

Word Nickatinia! Probably why they rolled up the windows!

Originally posted by TwistedMinis

Could have been the fact that I was blasting Nickatina.

I think its funny. Big ass white kid in a tiny ass truck, listening to Nickatina. I wonder what people think sometimes.

Did you unchop your windshield? I saw a picture somwhere and it looked taller than it was before?
munk3yx   +1y
the city i live in people accept it but it seems like the people in the town i work in like it even more i always get positive come backs from people with older "show cars" they think its pretty cool
shortrodeo   +1y
Originally posted by TwistedMinis

Originally posted by ShortRodeo

Word Nickatinia! Probably why they rolled up the windows!

Originally posted by TwistedMinis

Could have been the fact that I was blasting Nickatina.

I think its funny. Big ass white kid in a tiny ass truck, listening to Nickatina. I wonder what people think sometimes.

Did you unchop your windshield? I saw a picture somwhere and it looked taller than it was before?

Yeah I Unchoped it then re-choped it... damn im lost huh..

anyways lastest version is choped, and theres no goin back cuz the roof is at the upholsters geting wrapped and its build for the choped window

Carson top makes it look like an old school... i hope lol.
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