Originally posted by bdroppeddak
Originally posted by grafix
It is the shit like this that WILL cause a civil war.
im not going to fight anyone or even argue about how they feel on a subject, its just expressing your views... if anything its christians that are the ones to push something even though you want nothing to do with it.... you never see people who dont believe in god trying to go around and bother people to tell them there is no god....
this is the last thing i will say, and we can get back to trucks. i just wanted to address this statement^.
if you knew the cure for cancer, would you tell anyone?
if you found out how to stop world hunger, would you tell anyone?
my point is that i know of a relationship with God that will bring a fulfilling life and a spot in heaven for eternity. i care about people and want the best for them, thats why i bring it up. you can look into your heart and decide if its something you want to do, or you can refuse it, and i won't say anything else. its not about "christians" or "relgion" its about a relationship with God.
i would hate to be standing next to anyone on the day of judgement, as i am walking through the gates of heaven, and have them look at me and say "why didn't you tell me?"