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Mini Truckin General \  I hope you can find the time to watch this, its insane.

I hope you can find the time to watch this, its insane.

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no1lowr   +1y
Originally posted by 72bumpside

Originally posted by NO1LOWR

its unbelievable how true it all is. ihate to be that guy but we probably need to wake up. and the first fourty minutes is nuthin. the last 40 is completely insane. it explains our entire history as a corrupt country, ran by bankers, its all controlled, all true.

anyone with a christian belief probably shouldnt watch the first part becqause if you do it probably will make you feel like youve wasted your entire life. believing in a plagerized fraudulent myth.

I don't know that I would call this all true, plausible sure, but what isn't?

Though Christian Holidays are mostly based off of Pagan Religious happenings, the same religious beliefs Christians frown upon. But you didn't hear that from me.

i will agree, but plausibe for sure. it is just a little to common for me to disregard,
daburban   +1y
If even 1% of this is true...we are all F@#KED!
no1lowr   +1y

maztang (ryan)   +1y
Edited: 10/28/2007 7:22:51 AM by Maztang

so what do you guys want to plan on doing? i'm down. haha. i watched the video and damn. i don't know what to say. me and some other guys at work have been talking about different things and this just adds to it. look into dec. 21, 2012, look into the biminis road (or the road to atlantis), also look into all the things that are supossed to happen on the mentioned tdate and how many people predicted it at different times. shit is crazy for sure and you sure as hell can't tell me it is all just coinsidence!
trashed   +1y
Originally posted by dragnframe

I didn't bother watching it, but from reading the replies, I gather that it's another one of these shitty conspiracy theories that pops up every few days. Why don't you take a look at this?

And for those of you who say "f bush" and "bush is a moron" etc. Remember.. He's the president. He's not an all supreme ruler. Congress approves/denies his actions.

watch it, then form your opinion.
bdroppeddak   +1y
Originally posted by Maztang

look into dec. 12,

the only way the world is going to end will be from our own faults.... i dont believe something will just "happen" and a supreme being will come back....

the thing with the federal reserve system sure got me alittle worried.... if even half of that is truth, the world will end up killing itself in a nuclear holocaust....wont that be funny, the people who want war for profit so bad end the world with their greed....
maztang (ryan)   +1y
Originally posted by bdroppeddak

Originally posted by Maztang

look into dec. 12,

the only way the world is going to end will be from our own faults.... i dont believe something will just "happen" and a supreme being will come back....

the thing with the federal reserve system sure got me alittle worried.... if even half of that is truth, the world will end up killing itself in a nuclear holocaust....wont that be funny, the people who want war for profit so bad end the world with their greed....

hey man, i am not saying the world is going to end, i know it isn't for a number of reasons. first off i am not a religous person, i do believe there is a god but that is as far as it goes. god states in the bible (which of course if you watch that video will think that it is full of lies) that no one knows when the world will end not even the son of god, therefore, the whole 12-21-2012 thing...who knows whats going to happen, i am just going to make sure to take vacation on that day. haha. and i totally agree with you on the federal reserve statement. i would be willing to bet that somewhere in the country there are people getting ready for a revolution and we are about to get ready for another civil war within the next few yrs to come. as history always repeats itself, it would be stupid to totally deny the idea of a war between the people of this country and the communist who run it.
Energon84   +1y
I watched this entire video that you posted. The biggest problem I have with the video is Part I by far. As far as the other two parts they are 100% the authors opinion. As far as the US government I think that they are just as corupt and dishonest as the next. Do I think that they created 9/11 on purpose, NO. I do think that they are out for there own gain and the gain of their respectful parties. The overwhelming majority of government no longer represents the people but what they can do for more $ and power.

As far as the slam on Christianity here is what I found:

horus= Jesus Christ

krishna = Jesus Christ

attis = Jesus Christ

dionysus = Jesus Christ

mithra = Jesus Christ
bdroppeddak   +1y

who made your god? if someone made us, then who made god? if no supreme being made god, then there is no reason not to think that no supreme being made us..... i would like to think if there is a god, he would bless his true believers with good health, safety, and abundent sustenance..... i respect your ideas being and open minded individual, but i would like facts to show that there is a god, rather than a book of tales with so many variations.......

BadAssChevillac   +1y
all i can say is...WOW! that is some hardcore sh*t, that really gets ur mind going, the part on the WTC beams being slash cut and the building 7 demo is like a kick in the face, it all really is actually!

oh and x2^