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Mini Truckin General \  2012 and Planet X, Watch it seriously

2012 and Planet X, Watch it seriously

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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sectioned88   +1y
It's going to be okay guys, we have Keanu Reeves, Russell Crowe, and Christopher Walken on our side. There's likely to be no natural force to compete with that line up.
I thought it was intresting enough to share you everyone. The government has know about this since like 1982, and still have not said anything about it, now it's only 4 years away. I understand it would cause hell on earth for a break out of that kind of news. Supposively this happened way back in the egyption times, giving reason for the massive pyramids that were built that would protect them from such an event, and they speek of a giant light that will bring death to the entire planet. There calender's end in 2012, it is suppose to be here in 2012, will take 6 months to pass earth, shower us in massive radioactivity, and emence heat that will ignite our vegitation.
impounded dakota   +1y
Edited: 11/3/2007 10:09:50 PM by impounded dakota

did you even once look it up on wikipedia, and look at what the voyager fly by re-calculations of the actual size of neptune did to all these predictions? There might be a large reason why this isn't being talked about. But oh, that's right, wikipedia can be changed by users, everything on there must be a myth, i'll stick with the creepy guy on the you tube vid for my facts.
No reason to get your panties in a knot.
impounded dakota   +1y
they're not, but the first thing you should have done is take 30 seconds to attempt to learn something rather than pull the chicken little routine
ElCadillacKid   +1y
just more of that mumbo-jumbo propoganda to scare people like they do with terrorists. i thinks it's ok to say that the planet is going through changes but it seems like we're getting all the blame with SUVS and shit like that, but a good chunk of it has to be Earth's natural progression right? i mean the whole planet was frozen at one point and then the ice melted. everybody just needs to live their lives accordingly and not get so freaked out.
All I said was watch it. You and eveyone else here took it upon themselves to take a look. No one forced you to watch it. I didn't come in saying this is what is going to happen, kiss your asses good bye, next time I come across a film about anything I will be sure to look you up and make sure it is okay for me to post a video on here that I thought some people may find intresting. I wrote what was said in the film. Nothing more, nothing less. There always has to be a smart ass in the crowd that has something wise to say, just keep your wise cracks to yourself ol' mighty know it all.
impounded dakota   +1y
you posted this video, not me, people like you who believe everything on face value and never take the time to research anything, shouldn't be reposting videos and spreading garbage. Don't be butthurt if your "butt puckering video" didn't pan out to be true, let alone hold up to 5 second net search. Go take you're tin foil hat and sit in the corner.
poontang2005   +1y
the only thing we really need to be scared of is manbearpig, and if Al Gore won the Nobel Prize then you know the world is going to hell anyway.