Ok, i retract my opinion that Ryan's a douchebag. I've already admitted that i was'nt really paying attention while the show was on, i just remember them doing the chop, and now i'm pissed cause i did'nt realize Bill and Bob were on there. I hung out with Bill a few years ago at the last Showfest, and he was a pretty cool dude. I went to tivo a rerun of this show so i could actually watch it and could'nt find it, so i'll just have to keep on the lookout. And i did'nt know they did other work, the only thing i've seen them do is the stuff on this show and pimp my ride. I admit i was in the wrong, and if anyone else on here has read any of my posts, you know i have no "customizing" skills what so ever. So i had no right to bust on the show. Ryan, if you're out there, i apologize for calling you a douche bag. Anyone else on here i offended, sorry. For real. I'm the last dude to be hating on anyone for doing custom work, and i realize i only see what the tv execs want shown. Now I'm the douche for busting on someone based on seeing one side of the picture. I will humbly shut my pie hole now.