Well, my airzenith took a crap on me today. They are the biggest peices of shit ever. I have had the thing maybe 7 or 8 months and it burn't up on me within the first three. so i sent it back, customer service sucked to me about 1 1/2 to 2 months to get it back. had to call suicidedoors to fax them the original recipt, and had to run the old thomas compressor. In my opinion the thomas compressors are the best, the are slow as hell but the never die. finally go it back worked great up until today and it quit again. took it apart just to see what happened and come to find out that the little brass flapper broke off got lodged between the seal and the cylinder wall, scared he wall up and messed the seal up. so i am going to say the hell with them and just go viair. by the way i am always a possitive person but this really pisses me off.