Here's a pic of ours. A little over-engineered but very user friendly. Definately something you would use for a long time. The top deck is 5/8 tooling plate surface ground and anodized, there are 5/8 steel rails that are tapped every inch so that everything bolts in place and then you tac weld the material to the upright. There's also an engine cradle that rolls foreward and back on runners to keep the engine centered and squared. There are also leveling legs inside every leg so that the table is mobile and also very easy to level.There is a hot rod chassis on it in the picture but we're currently building a full air ride tube chassis on it that will lay out fully when complete.
They were trying to market them and build them and sell them, but they took to long to build so the return wasn't really there. There are two table out there he built, this one and he has one for himself.