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Mini Truckin General \  mini truckers in college

mini truckers in college

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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replies 34
following 31
LAzY HonDA   +1y
just a random question how many people are in college and drive there minis to school? im about to start goin to a college thats about 4 hours away and I dont know if I want to drive my bagged ranger back and forth
kaoss   +1y
I drive mine every once and a while. It will make no difference in your studies with or without your mini in the parking lot.
exotic dreams   +1y
I drove mine 5 yrs to college and back 100 miles each way. It was bagged for 4 of those yrs. It never messed up on me until i stopped driving it as a daily.
gob   +1y
im a full time student but unfortunately mine is in pieces
ModernRodder   +1y
I'm at Mississippi State University and my S-10 is the only truck I have here.
SSM-Webmaster   +1y
i get fucked with by campus police that shit
chopper7287   +1y
i drove mine everyday but i only had to go about 15 miles but now its in pieces in the shop at my inlaws getting a new setup and 4 link
libtecguy145   +1y
i drive mine back and forth (weather permitting) if your worried about gettin broken into or sumthin, i wouldnt, most parking lots are well lit
LAzY HonDA   +1y
I was just worried about breaking down and people jackin with my truck.. its cool to hear from a few people who actually do drive there trucks long distances though thanks for the replies guys
cubanpimp94   +1y
Im bout to go back to college and my mini will be the only truck I have. from where I live won't be far from campus, but driving home on the holidays and stuff isn't bad.