Pretty much all the mig and tig have been covered. Everybody keeps asking about stick welding and there are never any answers for them. It is nice to deversify ever once in a while. Imo stick is the hardest, reason being is that it is used allot of times, in the worst of the worst locations in the tightest spots under some rust bucket of a machine. That is when the skill comes out. All these mig welds and tig welds are basically practice and consistency, but when you stick weld in some of those bad spots laying upside down or however you are. it gets tuff to make things look good. My advice to start out with like everybody has said. You want to make sure your metal is clean. well if you are welding a nice new chunk of steel to some old rusted jagged piece of metal that really doesn't apply. what i would recommend is to start farther down on the old piece of metal and drag the stick down it making a straight puddle of less contaminated metal then build from there. The whole 7018 uphill question I would recommend to turn your heat down. I would say it is much stronger to get a good tied in weld, then to try and get penetration with the heat up. Usually if you are doing test you will run a 6010 as a root pass. No matter how many vertical or overheads i have ran every weld is different. Sure you can relate them in some way but they all have there differences.