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Mini Truckin General \  Dragging for the first time

Dragging for the first time

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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skip1100   +1y
I was cruzin my truck the day i finished my BD. I was driving past a high school baseball game so i layed my shit out and the whole game stoped and everyone (both teams and everyone else in attendence) turned and watched me drag my shit for a few hundred feet. it was the best drag ever!!!
draggin is like drugs do it once and your hooked
lucky_brew   +1y
back in the day my toy had air shocks on all four corners. damn im showing my age lol. ( it was on the ground for the options we had at the time) i was going down a street here in town around 2am, i was cruising with the air out of the shocks so it rode less than a 1/4" off the cross members. anyway, i hit a dip in the road and threw a short splash of sparks all over a fukin cop car that was behind me. he pulled me over, asked for my id then told me i was too young to smoke and not to throw cigarettes out the window. thats my first draggin story! that was back in 1991! =) havent stopped since!
retro dime   +1y
nice stories. I went and took my truck around the block just now and dumped the rear infront of these kids on their bikes and their mouths dropped lol.

Sounds like Im dragging sorta but its a piece of the bed sitting on the axle. Im gettin close though soon Ill be really dragging!
MagicMikey   +1y
the first time i dragged a truck it was by accident in a truck my friend had on air. he didnt even want me to drive it at first lol. then i decided i wanted me one. now my parents neighbor (a hilbily type country guy) was asking about my truck sparking down the road and said he enjoyed it lol.
disfiguredS10   +1y
Right after we finished my body drop I railed it by the 2a.m IHOP parking lot crowd @ about 60mph. Felt frikkin awesome!
munk3yx   +1y
dont really have any stories but that is my second draggin vid.

well maybe i do i was riding realy low one night (didnt think i was that low) and i switched lanes and hit some reflectors and the next day at work some one said "I SEEN THAT SHIT FROM YOUR TRUCK LAST NIGHT WTF WAS THAT?" i just said oops lol
disfiguredS10   +1y
I accidentally layed out on a dead skunk one time... I drug it about 100yds.
lucky_brew   +1y
a bud and me were cruisin to a show back in 95 or so... we were on a little two lane in BFE around 9-10 pm. we started smelling what smelled like chicken. we both mentioned it smelling good. about 45 mins later keith said, damn i still smell that fukin chicken - its makin me hungry. we ended up at a gas station about 15 mins later, still smelling chicken. we had hit a big ass rut in the road a bit earlier so we were examinig the damesges (this was in 95 - static was the only option!) anyway, there was fuzz and pieces on my cat convertor. we had been smelling a small critter cooking on it for over an hour or so! LOL. ahhhh the memories!
lucky_brew   +1y
Originally posted by munk3yx

...and i switched lanes and hit some reflectors and the next day at work some one said "I SEEN THAT SHIT FROM YOUR TRUCK LAST NIGHT WTF WAS THAT?" i just said oops lol

that was the norm back in the 90s! those were great minitruckin days! some of you guys were born and raised into the bags and dont remember just being plain-ol-low! (or what we called slammed, hammered or dumped!) we yanked out the torsions, cut the bump stops, pulled out leafs and flipped the bottom one and stacked lowering blocks up like legos!

popping reflectors was normal. actually, i have one here that i kept from back in the 90s!

theres another story, i popped a reflector on the way to a show in kentucky once and it flew out from under the truck and hit a car... being paranoid we got off at the next exit (20-30 minis deep) and went to eat at a shoneys. a lady came into the conference room (they had to keep our loud asses isolated! ha) and she said, who has that purple truck outside? me, mr fukin big head about my purple truck standsup and says, me! do you like it? she said oh yeah, i sure do and i like the busted windshield it gave me! the cops came but couldnt prove shit. after eating we got back on the road and went back to find the reflector. all these years later i still have it! after all it only took us 2-3 hours to find it!