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Mini Truckin General \  New MiniTruck Home Decor

New MiniTruck Home Decor

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
views 1972
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following 63
2tonesdime5   +1y
I read the first page.. then jumped here so if i missed anything...

Dave, I realize watermarking is more trouble, clutters the photos, and would take along time to transition all of the images already on the site.. What I would do is see if Jason can get the website designer to put one of those blocks on the whole site to where you can not right click... that will take care of most of the people that just right click and save your images.. Someone that knows what they are doing might still be able to obtain the images.. BUT it looks like this guy doesnt know much about any of that from looking at his banner AND website.

And also, where as it is morally wrong to steal photos off the web, there is not much that could be done to a person considering once its on the website it is basicly public domain..
barely legal welding   +1y
Originally posted by iLLblazer

Originally posted by TuckingLugs05

what about a yota keychain

I doubt a plasma table will do keychains. The cuts look pretty rough on the key rack is it is. No offence, but you need precision on that real small stuff.

I've done keychains too but I did my designs a little different. But truthfully unless you are a big business like SD that can justify cutting and stocking them, small stuff like that just isnt worth cutting on an individual basis. Club logo designs and stuff like that is different because you can do them in 10+ quantities or something but individual keychains arent worth my time considering what SD can sell them for...

tell me that is a bottle opener! If it is thats fucking badd ass.


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drtbiker182   +1y
Originally posted by nissandoordragger

id buy some home decor stuff can you make a nissan key holdercuz im sick of everything being about s-10s

and who the fuck cares where someone gets a pic from

shit ill second that. every picture or shirt made has a damn dime on it lol
mindlissmetalfab   +1y
Originally posted by Barely Legal Welding

Originally posted by iLLblazer

Originally posted by TuckingLugs05

what about a yota keychain

I doubt a plasma table will do keychains. The cuts look pretty rough on the key rack is it is. No offence, but you need precision on that real small stuff.

I've done keychains too but I did my designs a little different. But truthfully unless you are a big business like SD that can justify cutting and stocking them, small stuff like that just isnt worth cutting on an individual basis. Club logo designs and stuff like that is different because you can do them in 10+ quantities or something but individual keychains arent worth my time considering what SD can sell them for...

tell me that is a bottle opener! If it is thats fucking badd ass.


Yeah it doesnt work worth a damn though. I'm gonna make new ones that are the 'swiss army knife' style since I don't have the means to machine the tab on these ones down a bit to fit under the cap.
post photo
suckafree   +1y
with all these products im wondering who is coming out with the first s10 pocket pussy?
suckafree   +1y
4 link dildo's?
slammedxonair   +1y
haha. ok so last night i got the box style ranger design done and the 1st gen dime. im gona work on a yota next. the new designs have windows cut out and the wheels cut out. but since i have the basic design done i can scale it to any size and make anything out of them
tuckinlugs06   +1y
what i would like would be a billet toyota keychain
tuckinlugs06   +1y
well what about our club logo..ill get a pic of it
slammedxonair   +1y
i could cut almuinim cant like cnc mill it or anything like that. i am working on a couple other club logos as well. please email all requests