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Ford Trucks \  Explorer Progress.

Explorer Progress.

Ford Trucks Make Specific
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waynehammer   +1y
get a few cans of spray paint and PRESTO... NO MORE RUST
jeebus @ mmw   +1y
Originally posted by DRAGGINBODYON22S

no ofense those welds do not look safe imo.i woulndnt want to ride next to that truck

if your refering to those tubes welded off the frame.....i think those are just tacked in place right now, or atleaset it looks like it...

im sure he will fully weld it when its done.

slammedxonair   +1y
all the rear bag mounts are getting fully tig welded and some other odds and ends stuff. kinda hard to get decent pics of welds like the bag cups up at the top i took like 5 pics of those things and the metal kept reflecting the light so i said hell with it i dont need close up pics of my welds i know there not goin anywhere. im a certified structural welder up to 3/8 thick material, so i have also donw structural beams and channel that buildings sit on, like i said i know my welds are not goin anywhere. and also i have never had a structural weld brake on any of my customers or friends vehicles, or the explorer the first time i bagged it for that matter.

as for the paint it will come after all the work is done and the rust is cleaned off. the truck sat out side for a year and there was nothing i could do about it, but it will get cleaned.
JayMac   +1y
Coming together really good! Can't wait to see it in person!
DDlowztaco   +1y
hell yeah....lookin good
bdroppeddak   +1y
wow seeing that plasma table gets me excited! we are getting our cnc tabel this week... abit bigger than that one though...
slammedxonair   +1y
thanks for the comments guys, yea the cnc holds a 4x8 sheet of steel but i havent really had the volume to buy a full sheet so i just get drops of different sizes and just have it ready to go when something needs cut.
slammedxonair   +1y
ok i got the fuel cell mounts in today

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suckafree   +1y
take no offence but dude....put some paint on there! look so much better quality wise.
slammedxonair   +1y
like ive said its gona get painted after the metal work is done. im gona hit it with grinders and acid so it will be clean metal before i paint over rust. i still have a little more welding to do and a couple other parts to add and its gona get cleaned and painted.