well fuck, thanx for interupting my sunday drink fest. first off for the recored thanx for reading this retarted thread about my club in or out. second i just want to state that Jeff is a homo. Third i think it sucks that clubs have to talk so much shit about each other we are all here for the same thing, titties and beer..oh yeah and coll ass primered rides. Next Ky was a petitioning chapter of from what i was told we made them petition to long and thats why they quit. i don't hate on primer or someone that work with what they have. for many years my mini was scared of paint and so was my club but i dont hate on it now that i have paint. whatever you think about we do have standereds and our east coast rep did not think the PETITIONING chapter of KY met up to them. not saying this to talk shit or hate on anyone but if your going to put this info out for the world be ready for the TRUE MASTER FREAK to reply. i am loved and or hated world wide and thats why i'm a . want to send love to my boy Shannon out of N.C. (not the club, the state). as for Jeff i still think he's a HOMO but had really good points in his post. everyone should give him a reach around at RESO. oh yeah speaking of RESO you all should be there in a club or not. To Ky, sorry hope everything works out for you and good workin on the rides.
all this coming from the crazy FREAK with the mohawk.Shannon,MASTERFREAK Sin City Nv