That's a great kit to get started with. If you want to lay the frame out, get ready for some heavy modifications, because those Ibeams will fight you every step of the way!
You already have aftermarket drop beams, which you'll need to weld these brackets onto.
Two other things I would recommend grabbing would be the transmission crossmember and the radius arm relocator. These two pieces hang way down from your frame (you've probably already dragged one or the other on a driveway entrance with just a mild drop!), and our replacements will sit flush with the frame. As an added bonus, the radius arm relocator will move the radius arms to a better position for the dropped stance, putting the bushings in less of a bind.
Other than that, if your budget allows it I would add another Viair 380 so you've got a faster recovery, but that's a solid kit that will get you rolling! Good luck, and let me know if you have any other questions!
-Phil at FBI