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Mini Truckin General \  Mini-Truck Drag Session

Mini-Truck Drag Session

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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munk3yx   +1y
good thing no one got hurt but i got to make a "funny" i guess thats how you could win a draggin contest. get that motha fucka side ways those sparks were SEXY!
DooredFord   +1y
As I said in the other post that S10 was swerving the WHOLE time. He was bound to lose control but hey he needs coverage of his vehicle and dragging is the only way. Stop with the built not bought attitude save up some money and have shit done right and than you can drive as low as you want all day long. Sounds like a smarter move than 3 wrecked trucks. I know when my truck gets squirly i stop, i dont keep going like a dumbass.
slammedcavvy   +1y
wow whos paying for all the damage? thats something u cant get an insurance claim on?
YARDSALE!!!! Dude the kid in the s-10 should of chilled out when he knew he couldn't handle it... but its in the past hopefully the coloardo gets fixed since he wasn't doing anything wrong just crusing
Originally posted by crochface

Edited: 12/23/2007 8:09:45 PM by crochface

the last thing i want this video to do is scare everyone in the scene.=)i posted this video to show people what can happen if they aren't careful. like i said this is the first crash ive ever seen.Hopefully the video does scare people. Hopefully the video makes people aware that a crash is possible if they do not know exactly how to drag.

I saw TWO trucks at a show last year on two separate days drag at 0psi and run off of the road into crowds of people, luckily everyone moved out of the way before the trucks ran into them. The videos were posted here and several people from my area learned that draggin at 0psi is not smart.

You should remove the video and add an extended version explaining the reason that the truck lost control. Do not use the excuse that his driveshaft binded unless you have proof. Show video of flatspots in his tires from them locking up. Show that the truck will not roll while in neutral.

Giving excuses and playing something like this down is the reason that people think that it is cool and mimic it at the next show that they go to. Remember the gas tank in Florida???

Use your position to turn this into a positive, not hiding it and making it have a negative impact on people who view it and think that it is what they have to do to be a "hardcore minitrucker".
The Unit   +1y
That video is crazy but hey it can happen i have been on alot of drag sessions with nick and will and the rest of the gang and never had anything like this happen or even get close to have it happen!! But this is proof that it can happen to anyone!! I agree with most of you on alot of points dragging at 0 psi yea thats a no no fully not testing out your ride and not knowing what it can do and how low you can really go without problems yea another no no. the people that can build rides for themselves should really double check there work and clearences before going out to a drag session and taking everyone out!! Its better to be safe and drag then to drag and wreck everyone else!!!
Originally posted by crochface

i posted the video on my page for the people involved, not for steet source.

some one went on my profile and posted it on here.

it is the internet, what did you think was going to happen?

I believe that you hosted it to get more attention= sales. There is nothing wrong with that, any smart person with a business that relies on sales would take an opportunity to get free advertising.

A hobby or lifestyle is "about' what you make it.

If someone is into minitruckin to build shitty trucks that last 2 weeks and are then taken to the scrap yard to sell then that is what "minitruckin" is about TO THEM.

Make it what you want it to be and stop crying about people who are different than you. You complaining is not going to change the way that others live their lives.
laydsuzu   +1y
makes me wanna stop dragging....but I have motivation to stop now, i put my gas tank back under the truck. now its just a matter of putting those words into action when I get behind the wheel of that truck
neurotic   +1y
So stupid when will people learn after somebody dies and kills a inocent person.

Qoute from a different forum - "If you have a problem with people dragging, fall back or get off the road and leave them alone. Its that simple."
No it is not that simple why should a normal person jsut friving down the freeway have to fall back or get off the road for you guys wanting to be dragging. Thats not what bags and freeways are for. When will people start relizing you dont bag a truck or car just to go drag it.

post from on here - "a crash was bound to happen in any activity involving a vehicle, luckily we are only going like 40 miles an hour,

so going 40 mph on the freeway thats impeding the flow of traffic. So you guys are making it to where other drivers cant drive.

Also some people here are tellign the whole story of what happend. I heard from multiple people that someobdy got pulled over just a bit earlier for dragging and the cops did show up to the scene on the freeway. Im sure people got some fat tickets and messed up trucks. How do you make a claim for that on your insurance or make 1 person pay everything back to fix all the vehilces involved. Just lukly nobody was hurt or killed which could have happened. I hope this video does scare people unlike people saying they hope it does not. Well im sure I'm going to get ripped for this post but this kind of stupid shit is what makes us guys that have been in the sport for a long time not want to do it anymore.