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Mini Truckin General \  Apology to Lucky_Brew and StreetSource

Apology to Lucky_Brew and StreetSource

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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seanb   +1y
JPeventsxx   +1y
Class Act ...

iamagearheadru   +1y
WOW Sean, that has to be one of the most mature posts I have ever seen anyone post on here, I am truely amazed by it and have a very high outlook towards you. Much appreciated thing done....not only for SSM and Lucky_brew but for the entire mini truckin scene.....about time someone steps up and acts mature....
seanb   +1y
Well, I felt I had really unjustly hurt a fellow minitrucker and the minitrucking sport for that matter. My temper and quick jump to judgment enraged others needlessly and started a whole firestorm of childish posts. Anyone who knows me, knows I'm usually very laid back but can fly off if I feel wronged. Just wanted to try and set everything straight.
simple-pleasurez   +1y
i also sorta talked shit in the forum saying i expected him not to even respond or come up with a lame ass responce. but then i talked to him a bit and saw his true intentions and i felt bad for him. he seemed to be a cool guy and offered up free issues with him paying everything just to try and clear his name.

and way to man up sean. thanks.

bodydropped85   +1y
glad to hear its resolved
KNDAlow   +1y
i respect that
///RELAXED 720   +1y
CLASS ACT INDEED!!!! I'm the one who deleted the trhead ( a bit late in my eyes but once I saw some to the VERY CHILDISH & BULLSHIT posts I felt I had no choice)...Also I bought 2 mags from Lucky before I saw the post. He even sent me a check to cover the money I had paypaled him because he felt it was the best thing to do. I thought that was a stand up thing to do since I never asked for it back......Im glad everything is resolved......

sponge splawn   +1y
After the thread was deleted and everything calmed down, I called Lucky about some issues that my collection was missing. He and his son dug thru his extras and found some that I needed, boxed them up and they should be in the mail now. I don't expect anything for free, so I'm going to kick him back some cash for the shipping and extra for his time. Lucky seemed like a good dude, and I'm pleased to know that I've met another kick ass minitrucker. Sean, props to you for "man"ing up this way. You're OK in my book. If I ever meet up with the two of you together, I'll buy you both a beer(Lucky, I'll get you a root beer). LOL. Makes me proud, again, to be a Minitrucker.
low10   +1y
Sean,i agree with a few other guys on here.That was a very classy act to belly up to the bar and admit you are sorry.It takes a big man to admit that in a public forum.You should be very proud of yourself.WELL DONE.WE NEED MORE PEOPLE LIKE YOU IN HERE.