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Mini Truckin General \  blazerado res. question

blazerado res. question

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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baggedon22   +1y
i talked to clyde and seen the truck wrecked and the f350 wreck clyde said they cut the top off another blazer and put on it and i seen the blazer with alot of bondo spots were u would cut a top and replace so i believe him i liked it befor better but its still ok now just makes me want a hamburger from macdonals now lol
spicy   +1y
So Tex Customz   +1y
same dash, and it still looks good as fuck!!
neurotic   +1y
I think it took lots of guts to try and rebuild something that looked like what it did after the wreck. They did a badass job rebuilding it. Granted in might not be to everybody's liking but it his truck built for him not everybody else. What lots of people dont understand either is Clyde built the Blazerado for Farva the first time and then bought it off him when he was selling it. Then on a way to or back from a show they lost control and wrecked. As for the body line im sure none of us will know till he gets on here and tells us himself. Yes it does look odd but who knows the reason.
Texmextukin   +1y
I give Clyde and SSC much respect for choosing to rebuild the truck, we all saw the photos of the wreck. That thing was F*@KED. I know it may not be a lot of peoples style but does everybody have to hate on it? I mean the colors are nice, maybe not together so much, but still badass. The craftsmanship is still badass never the less, and all yall guys can't deny that. I wish I had the time and funds to be able to do something like that. As far as that weird ass body line, no i dont understand it. But it is still a badass truck, even if its not yours or my style.
oneup   +1y
All I can say is wow. The body lines in my opinion are a great idea because no one else has it who can honestly say they've done something that noone else hasn't already done it rarely happens in this scene so why all the hate I mean granted it might not be my cup of tea but look at the incredible work they did to get this thing back up and going not to mention the body is molded to the frame and every square inch of it is custom if you look it over closely you will see more and more things that you didn't notice at first and thats what makes it unique there is so many little touches to make it what it is and in my opinion it is a great build and there are very few vehicles out there that are in the same class yeah I don't care for the colors and some of the stuff they did but its not mine so who cares its still badass.
92yota   +1y
Originally posted by bdroppeddak

what i want to know is, what does res. mean? your topic title is confusing me...

resurrected?...i don't know

i think it looks awesome...and i love how, here recently, everyone is trying to get the "scene" going back in the right direction, yet are still posting about how ugly the paint is on one of the baddest minis ever built. im not surprised though...

im sure all of the ssc guys are really encouraged to keep building these top quality vehicles after seeing how much people appreciate their work...
92yota   +1y
Edited: 1/8/2008 8:42:59 AM by 92yota

Originally posted by HarryBalls

i just wanna know what happened to this project they had.......

^^like this one...why don't we just go ahead and make a thread about this one and list all the things we don't like about it, then im certain ssc will finish it...
simple-pleasurez   +1y
Originally posted by AIR EQPT

Ya just incase you have not seen before this is the original Blazerado and its deffinetly not coming back from this.

shit'll buff out.
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waynehammer   +1y
dont get me wrng. its a bad ass truck. just dont care for the color, the wierd body line or narrow hood. everything else is bad ass.