Hosting fees might be an issue, considering how much space you'll be using and how many people will be visiting.
Once the site is set up, I know we'd be interested in running an ad banner on there, so maybe you could cover your costs between donations and selling some ad space...
Heck, if you scan in our old ads, you could just link to our site directly from them!
Also, don't talk to any higher-ups at Source Interlink (the new company that owns MT and the other mags)- they'll just say no right off the bat. Talk to Ernie and/or Mike and let them get you the scoop- they're probably used to dealing with the brass, and might have a better chance of getting the go-ahead.
Better yet, see if they would host the pages on as an archive- then you'd just need to recoup the cost of scanning everything!
Just some ideas for you... but I hope you do it!