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Body work and Paint \  heh lost cause

heh lost cause

Body work and Paint Q & A
views 717
replies 21
following 9
granth   +1y
said it once before, you are who i will come to for any of my paint needs.
lost cause   +1y
^^^^^^Thanks again 72bumpside......Can't wait to get my hands on one of your rides!

Like I said before I'll save a spot with your name on it......

Thanks again, "Lost Cause"
slammedrt   +1y
i have seen this on a chevelle before so im not one to copy exactlty so what kind of different ways could the colors be broken up? I know you have some sick ideas
slammedrt   +1y
Brian also how long does it take you to do something lke this? My car already has been repainted before does this matter? Is it safe to put on another paint job? Will it be to thick so will the paint crack? I also agree the colors should be switched with the dark on the top.
lost cause   +1y
Edited: 1/16/2008 8:56:40 PM by lost cause

As long as your paint job is stiil good then I can sand it down and paint over it without mil.(thickness) problems, or any cracking in the, if you wnat your car striped down to bare metal that's a whole nother story, ( but that's usually not the case)

As far as the time it takes to perform a paintjab your look'n at about 2-4 weeks (I'm literaly a 1-man show so it takes me a little bit longer somtimes) but my quality speeks for it's self........

Thanks again, "Lost Cause"
roboblazer   +1y
What up man? just thought i would stop by and say your work is awsome and i will bring you more work as soon as i build something else, buit you know this man! Would post a pic of the blazer for you but I am busy pinchin pennys, you know
lost cause   +1y
Edited: 1/17/2008 8:48:09 AM by lost cause

^^^^Thanks JD....When's your blazer supposed to be in mini truckin??? it's been almost a year since they shot that get more compliments on your blazer than anything else I've ever painted

Don't worry I'll post a pic for ya' (cheap basterd:LOL)

Thanks again guys, "Lost Cause"
lost cause   +1y
^^^^ha ha ha, I suck at photo shopOh well

"Lost Cause"
slammedrt   +1y
Brian i found a pic that i would lind of copy instead of the green color i would like to change it to the tru fire.
heres a link hope it works
crazygenius13   +1y
Might as well jump on the band wagon.
Your paint jobs are the shit, bro! If I ever do a truck nice enough to warrant a trip to Tennessee for a paint job, You will be the 1st person I call. We got Van Demon out here on the west coast, but personally I don't like the way he lays out his designs. An Awesome painter, but you have a real eye for what looks good, and not cheesy.
