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off the wall sites?

Off-topic General Discussions
views 649
replies 33
following 11
BodyDroppedNikes   +1y
welp...heres a forum that has all kinds of stuff to discuss other than cars/trucks if you are interested. its:
BioSarra   +1y
i threw up in my mouth a lil at the thought of ya'll shitting on eachother and having girls shit on you, and just shit in general...
i've already heard from more than one person that Alabama is pretty much boring...but sounds like ya'll have your own opinion of fun that us in different states must not understand.
fatboysS1O   +1y
you should see where that crazy sumbitch lives! its down in a hole in alabama. i swear i hear banjos playing everytime i ride out to his house in the boondocks!
BioSarra   +1y
and i thought i lived in the middle of red necks...its just cuz we have a city...then nothing...then our house and shop...then summore nothing...then an even bigger city!
i have family in Mobile and a couple other towns.
bdroppeddak   +1y
ya'll... im from alabama and i dont even say that!!

if gettin a quad dropped on them is what it takes to please 2 chicks, i guess i'll have to do it!
fatboysS1O   +1y
dropping a quad
BioSarra   +1y
why do ya gotta bring up ya'll???
i get picked on beyond belief at school because i say ya'll and yander.
i dont mean to, but i do. i have started stuttering so i dont say either!
whys it so wrong for a girl from california to say ya'll??

and quad? thats a new one. haha
found this aloooong time ago, (tons of free porn) i like this better than consumptionjunction
bdroppeddak   +1y
well i hear people say drop a duece, and i figure dropping a quad is like double the size of a normal poop, just enough for 2 fine honeys!
fatboysS1O   +1y
back to cool sites....all the ones so far have been of disgusting stupid shit i dont wanna see!