It seems like this happens too often, a good friend of mine sold his cover truck(August 2003 Street Trucks) and it sat for about a month waiting for the new owner to get his license(he was 15 at the time of purchase). A month after he started driving it he skipped school and had 2 chicks riding in a truck with two bucket seats not belted in. He ran a red light, hit a car, hopped a median, and finally stopped by running into a telephone pole anchor. I got a call from another friend who saw it and told me the name of the wrecker service who took it away so I went to their yard and shot pictures. It made me sick, I told the original owner who pretty much said what Murphy said above about his old truck, that he got the amount of money that he wanted for the truck and figured the truck would end up trashed soon after selling it.
The kid had specialty insurance on the truck so he got the amount back out of the truck that he had in it and bought Snake Bite, a former feature truck. he tore it apart at a much slower rate and I'm guessing his parents finally wised up because the next vehicle I saw him driving was a cheap 4 door car.