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Mini Truckin General \  april 2008 MT mag - new w/ tons of pics > page 8 is for you "lost cause"!!<

april 2008 MT mag - new w/ tons of pics > page 8 is for you "lost cause"!!<

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
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DaGreenMonster   +1y
im hearing i got in the construction zone, is this true???
twistofcain   +1y
thanks buddy
bagdb2200   +1y
Originally posted by thacru78

Originally posted by CHUBBZ

I have called Mike, many times, & I always get oh were sorry we'll extend your subscription, its gotten old!

Same response I always get. I dont understand why everyone on the east coast gets all their mags 2 weeks before I get mine, yet The mag is coming for the West Coast and Texas is between the two. I won't get that mag for another 3 weeks atleast. If I get it at all. Fucking sucks. Atleast before the subscription I atleast got the mags. I would rather pay $5 at Wally world than not get them at all. Oh well....

I think Mike's posted before that the mag is actually printed and shipped from the East Coast. I just payed for my subscription and the address was a FL address.

Originally posted by lucky_brew

draggin' dakota (green)

a classic touch (blue & white blazer w/impala dash - painted by lost cause!)

four more days (yellow "pebble pushers" pup w/ white walls)

evolution (insane 4x4 toyota!)

the roller coaster (silver & green flamed s10)

Who owns the 4x4 Toy, lucky?
laidout94toy   +1y
I got the original mag with that cover!   +1y
Edited: 1/31/2008 11:31:40 AM by rangerfor22s

Originally posted by lucky_brew

Edited: 1/30/2008 7:47:14 PM by lucky_brew

got mine in the mail today and it fukin rocks! the old jagged mt logo is nice to see again...

Uncle Fester   +1y
Originally posted by laidout94toy

I got the original mag with that cover!

Same here, man how I loved that truck.

gorillagarage   +1y
FreelandKustomz   +1y it just me or was that kind of a disapointing issue.....i thought it would be alot more "old school" and there were not to many features. seems like its getting thinner again. Excited for the next 2 issues. hopefully it gets better
lucky_brew   +1y
^^^ yeah- after looking at it a few times last night. i think its actually not all thet great. maybe i was just excited when i got it... it definately should have had WAAAAAAY more old school. and why the fuk did they choose side-show? i would have been happier with Sal's toyota - ICULQQKIN. where are the tilt beds? flourescent paint jobs? upholstered beds? ground effects? fender flares? DO THE NEW MT-MAG OWNERS REALLY FUKIN KNOW WHAT OLD SCHOOL IS??? and i just cant understand why the mag never got thicker. anyway, overall good mag. i just think WE deserved better! OK,,,, sorry so long guys. had to get that out!
lucky_brew   +1y
Originally posted by Uncle Fester

Originally posted by laidout94toy

I got the original mag with that cover!

Same here, man how I loved that truck.

hey fester - i hear that truck is sitting in a corner collecting dust as a "monster truck". you should buy that one too and get it back on the ground and back to its glory!