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Mini Truckin General \  DAY JOBS


Mini Truckin General General Discussions
views 2747
replies 240
following 227
e10pvmt   +1y
Firefighter / on a good day i get to cut cars apart and break down muthafuckin doors.....i know a fast easy way to suicide
Homemade S-10   +1y
i build offshore powerboats.
rollin15s   +1y
i bet nobody does the same thing i do! i burry dead people for a living all day everyday and sometimes i burry two people a day! just thought you guys would get a kick out of that
dufur2003   +1y
I'm a pilot and also own a auto parts store.
curt07   +1y
i work at carquest auto parts and i get all the ppg paint i want i just go and mix it , and i get really good discount on all other ppg products and parts that i need.
SlamChevy   +1y
I own a landscape maintence and construction company. Basically we cut grass, mulch, plow snow and build walls. pretty exciting huh?
hang time mazda   +1y
I drive a heavy duty tow truck for my family's towing company

post photo
DPS   +1y
^^^^ you have about $3000 in led's on the side of your truck are you fing insane.
snicker2938   +1y
Had my own bedliner shop for a few yrs. As of the 1st of this yr i started working for a company called composite acoustics. We make high end guitars out of carbon fiber. Im training under a good buddy of mine who is a sick custom painter. We do some crazy custom paint on these guitars. They sell from $2,500 on up. Hopefully within a few more months, ill be able to apply everything im learning to painting custom bikes and trucks.
cheeks Sunset SD   +1y
I fix comercial washers and dryers in hotels and also build laundrymats.