haha yeah i was making a funny about the cool guy thing. and i really dont care what anyone thinks it was a joke calm down a little haha and i agree ian chevys do suck and u should know sellin all those parts haha but i got it for free its an06 with 30 tousand miles on it and its a crew cab so im gonna do it ill call u sometime im coimng to colorado for sure
i loved the taco....and like some big wheels on minis and yours was one of the ones that looked good...one thing i would like to know what kinda or primer/paint was on it in the reso pics? would like to do that for this up coming show
that taco was just insane. you should have kept it. i can probably understand why you didn't though. cant wait to see what you do with the colorado, even though i cant stand sh!ttys, ummm.... i mean chevys. :-p