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Mini Truckin General \  GOT Chrome?.......

GOT Chrome?.......

Mini Truckin General General Discussions
views 1524
replies 35
following 22
bodydropped85   +1y
that means it isnt metal finished for chrome. it has to be dam perfect for it to be chromed. some shops will fix it and make it strait tho, i think its the 1st guy that lucky said.
lucky_brew   +1y
yeah- basically what james said. you cant chrome plate bondo. lol. so to have a bumper-combo chrome plated the metal work needs to be perfect or it will "show" under the chrome. example- if you paint a rusty ol car before doing the body work, it will look like painted rust. so, if you want a combo chrome plated then take it to someone like s-h who can prep it first it has to be filled with lead. let me know of you want a bumper combo ready for chrome. i know an ol timer (lead guru!) that can do it for you a lot cheaper than buying a grant combo then having someone prep it..... (youll have to supply the bumper/ valance)
gimp5561   +1y
gilford plating in greensburo NC at one time would plate shit for a case of beer on sat. they did ok work for a driver
lost cause   +1y
^^^^Are they still chrome plating?
lucky_brew   +1y
Originally posted by lost cause

^^^^Are they still chrome plating?

NO! a few of the employees died from liver cancer and the rest are now attending AA meetings and have retired from chrome plating for beer!

Cosa Nostra   +1y
now the question u really want a guy to chrome paint ur shit for a case of beer?i mean come on dude how good is it gonna be?wait a minute i got a better one..if i pay for ur plane ticket will u paint my suv for a case of beer?
gimp5561   +1y
they did some shit for me back in early 90's. no not for my truck, a kid that drove a 4x4 everyday and put it in the mud alot stuff looked good going down the road. dont know if they are still in business ,there main job was plating book racks or something like that.
lost cause   +1y
Originally posted by Cosa Nostra

wait a minute i got a better one..if i pay for ur plane ticket will u paint my suv for a case of beer?


Just woundering if they were still in ass
Cosa Nostra   +1y
i wasnt being a smartass bro i was serious lol u do great work id gladly pay for a ticket and a a case of beer for some paint work lol