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Body work and Paint \  Home Made Spray Booth?

Home Made Spray Booth?

Body work and Paint Q & A
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LoAss720   +1y
Ok, im thinking I might be doing my own paint job when my truck gets to that point and I have a question.

If I make a booth in my garage, like a full plastic enclosure sealed off with duct tape and wet the floor, Do I need a exhaust fan or can I let it all settle on its own?

Im planing a silver metallic base with a candy and some airbrushing done before clear coat.

The reason I want to do it this way is that it will be far far too expensive to have someone up here spray it for me (I have been quoted over $8k with no bodywork).

Any tips would be great!
cruisinlowS10   +1y
you definatley want an exhaust fan
cruisinlowS10   +1y
Have you ever painted a vehicle before? Its real easy to f-up if you dont have experience and buying materials over again and possibly having to pay somebody else to do it after youve allready bought one round of materials will suck on the pocket book.
TwistedMinis   +1y
Definitely use an exhaust fan. I use a space heater with a filter in it. Got it at a garage sale for $20 and it works great. It blows a lot of air, I just let it suck everything out of the garage. And it doesn't really smell much outside, and nothing gets painted outside because of the filter.
LoAss720   +1y
I have sprayed before but it was awhile ago. I was gonna try it out on some small things first like the dash and other small parts before I tackle the complete truck. If I dont like the look of it after those I will bite the bullet and pay someone crazy cash to paint the truck.

Besides, If I dont try I will never learn and this will be far from the last project for me!

SO I guess its time to start looking for a fan!
ben_shady1   +1y
So your gonna try spraying Candy and it's been a while since you painted anything? All I can say is good luck bro.. Candy is alot harder than most people think. I've seen some attempts 9 out of 10 have stripes and light/dark spots. Better think long and hard on it before you jump in with both feet
bobogolfcart   +1y
good luck man
slammedcivicsi   +1y
I have to agree that a candy is no beginner job.

But the exhaust fan honestly has little to do with the smell and the enviroment, its to keep the overspray particles from drying in the air after spraying, and landing on your wet paint. With no air flow you will have a dirty as hell paintjob.

Ive painted in home made booths lots of times, just make sure you have an intake and an exhaust. So put your fan at one end by a window or door, and have another window or door on the otherside open.

Ive used the garage door as an exit point, just open it about a foot and hang a filter over bottom.....then put your fan at the window, or door into the garage. Its worked well for me in the past.

LoAss720   +1y
Well, I might get someone to come spray the candy now that I think about it but I will do the base.

I never really cared about the smell, I was just wondering if it was gonna wreck the paint job and now I know it will.
waynehammer   +1y
its just paint.. if u mess up then do it again. its not like a tattoo.. you can do anything if you do ur homework on it and practice.