I do paint and bodywork and have built a batmobile replica, general lee rep., knight rider rep. I'm only 21. So heres to all you do it yourselfers. get you 2 box fans from the dollar store or a Freds or wherever you find them cheap, they are like $10 each here. get 2 filters for like an air conditioning unit for a home and tape to the backside of the fans. make you booth out of plastic sheeting or tarp and seal the edges with heavy duty tape, wherever the opening is to your shop have the fans pointed in that direction inside you booth and cut the plastic around the fans and seal the edges off. Pick an early morning or late afternoon to spray so the bug insect factor will be reduced, get your truck ready to spray, wet the floor and mist the plastic with water. you should be rady to go. As for the candy colors, what you need to do is just spray your base and spray your candy with light coats till you get the shade you like, then just fog the whole truck with you candy, this will help eleminate striping and darkness in your candy. Most thing to worry about is your clear, but it you mess the clear up, all you have to do is wet sand the blemished out and try again, or if you have enough clear on, you could always wet sand and buff because more than likely your gonna color sand and buff anyway. Good luck