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Old School Minis \  Datsun Bulletside

Datsun Bulletside

Old School Minis General Discussions
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spraybomb   +1y
--------------------------------------------- Originally posted by PIMPTACO Here's one from Japan that I want so bad... --------------------------------------------- Is it me, or do the Japanese always seem have the cleanest, high quality trucks on the face of the earth? That thing is ill. Theres a 620 extended cab (kingcab, whatever) sittin outside this dudes house down the way. I'm gonna see whats up with that thing tomorrow.

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k24 rd6   +1y
  i love this variant

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boooghar   +1y
I picked this up for $500 running and driving cranked the torsions, lowerling blocks painted the wheels and cleaned up the hubcaps and turned around and sold it for $1,500  

drivewaycustoms   +1y

---------------------------------------------Originally posted by fbiphilHere's one my brother and I did for his high school senior project: I know I have more somewhere from after we got it rolling... I'll try to post them up!---------------------------------------------we had bulletside when I was a kid, it had the same wheels on it .I loved that truck, my dad took out the stock engine and dropped in a V6 out of a Mercury Capri.sadly in the mid 80's he junked it ( it had a lot of rust) but we still have the wheels.
Slammy   +1y
Edited: 5/6/2009 5:56:03 PM by Slammy

Im building one for a guy. Bodydropped with an inch cut off the rocker, v8 conversion, with a full sheetmetal floor. Go to my myspace to see build pics   
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oldsklminitrk   +1y
Edited: 8/19/2009 4:30:31 PM by oldsklminitrk

Here is mine I have been showing latley  
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scr8pnyota   +1y

---------------------------------------------Originally posted by oldsklminitrkEdited: 8/19/2009 4:30:31 PM by oldsklminitrkHere is mine I have been showing latley  ---------------------------------------------that bitch is bad right there
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Dropmaster   +1y

That is me and my brother in the background of the second picture. After Seeing that yellow truck I got the fever for a Datsun. ---------------------------------------------Originally posted by scr8pnyota---------------------------------------------Originally posted by oldsklminitrkEdited: 8/19/2009 4:30:31 PM by oldsklminitrkHere is mine I have been showing latley  ---------------------------------------------that bitch is bad right there ---------------------------------------------
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Dropmaster   +1y
Edited: 9/3/2009 8:59:32 PM by Dropmaster

That was the first mintruck show my brother has ever been to. It took me about 8 years to talk him into going to one with me. Back to the Datsun. I got this one from a guy down the street on a trade.
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halemoores   +1y
Edited: 9/13/2009 9:08:41 PM by Motoswapper

My favourite from here in Australia  Edited: 9/13/2009 9:07:22 PM by MotoswapperEdited: 9/13/2009 9:06:21 PM by MotoswapperEdited: 9/13/2009 9:05:14 PM by Motoswapperthis drag pics from a camera on the highway  
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