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General Discussion \  GOT PARTS


General Discussion
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following 19
mrbeast   +1y

See you can talk shit but you cant back it up!!!

laydsquarebody   +1y
Yea I can back up all my work but I dnt have 2 back up shit 2 a bunch of low rate pricks who think there the shit . Thanks 4 the conversion MR. BITCH
mrbeast   +1y

What are we in 3rd grade? Why dont you just flick a booger at me and proclaim "I know you are but what am I!"
laydsquarebody   +1y
Thts a good question u fuckers started this shit. If u can't take it u shouldn't have started. All u gotta do is quit posting shit here
krewzlo   +1y

Ok, I just want to see some pics of this badass work. If you ever have taken the time to read back in topics that Richard has posted in, this guy know his stuff. Don't know his fabricating skills, but he probably knows more about GM trucks than GM does.

I am not siding with anyone, but I just want to see how great of work you do, if you want to talk smack, then at least back it up. Even if your wrong, then I respect you for at least having the balls to show some pics.

Now, back to the match, I have a mountain dew and a bag of popcorn to watch the show!
big bear   +1y
lol guess it has been awhile for some good ol drama.
laydsquarebody   +1y
Yea I've talked 2 ppl bout him. It's cool if he knows alot bout gm but he dnt know me so he dnt need 2 run his dick sucker I'm dne with this shit as long as thy are I could care less if he invented gm I ain't takin shit from any1 Thts a sick truck krewzlo
mrbeast   +1y

Come on man for all the shit talking and bad grammar you wont even post a pic, what are you afraid of? Afraid your junk wont stack up?

And as for being a fabricator, here is a Video of my project, not a dually so you wont be seeing a build thread on this board. But it shows some of what I can do. Keep in mind I have only been working on it for about 4 days when this video was shot.

Oh and you get to see Richards truck in the vid too.
laydsquarebody   +1y
The last thing I built wasn't a dually either I'm working on an 86 crewcab now & whn I get time ill post some pics of it & yea my junk will stack up ;-)
mrbeast   +1y

Come on man, you have talked it, lets see it. It isnt about time, it isnt about when you are ready. You have made a claim its time to back it up, lets see it or STFU and go home to mama with your tail between your legs.