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General Discussion \  GOT PARTS


General Discussion
views 9193
replies 119
following 19
krewzlo   +1y
Good thing my kids aren't reading this forum. Your never going to get respect typing/talking like a ghetto idiot and all the foul language.

No matter how great your skills are, you will never get respect around here or anywhere with that mouth(fingers).

Peace out and find somewhere else to run your mouth! I hear SSM is a great forum, check it out
laydsquarebody   +1y
I dnt need ur respect or any1 else's on here if u dnt wanna hear or read Wht I gotta say QUIT posting on this thread & I wnt say anything else peace out Thts pretty ghetto itself
xtowtruck   +1y

I don't need your respect or anyone else's on here.If u don't wanna hear or read What I gotta say QUIT posting on this thread & I won't say anything else.Peace out.Thats pretty ghetto itself.

There people can read it now.

laydsquarebody   +1y
Any1 with any brain knowledge past dumbass could read it b4 I guess Thts y u needed spell check
xtowtruck   +1y

No i'm quite alright with out spell check. Thanks for the concern though. On with this truck i would still like to see it.
sparkys-crewcab   +1y
[/quote]I just wana see a truck I mean it's a truck site....thats why were here right? To view trucks. prefferably ones with dual rear tires.[/quote]

no way man. we are here to cuss each other out, discuss each others lack of fab skills, flex our e-muscles...oh, and try to sell truck parts we don't want......

im with xtowtruck... let us see your ride..

i don't care how you spell your words on the internet...
laydsquarebody   +1y
Sparky if u dnt wnt my parts dnt buy em no 1 asked u 2 I was jus told some1 on here was looking for some stuff I was taking off mine & thought id offer em up
xtowtruck   +1y

Fine i'll bite. I will take all the parts you are offering for,an XL Tim Hortons coffee,a great canadian bagel,$5 bucks thats like what $8 bucks US? but! you have to pay shipping AND post pics of your truck. Failure to compliy will result in no deal.

Take it or leave it.
laydsquarebody   +1y
Naw ill.pass on that id hate 2 do u rong like that
xtowtruck   +1y

Thought i would help with the sale. but guess not.