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Ford Trucks \  Illusive Design & Fabrications 98+ Ranger Arms update pg. 2

Illusive Design & Fabrications 98+ Ranger Arms update pg. 2

Ford Trucks Make Specific
views 1064
replies 49
following 19
JayMac   +1y
I think they look a lot better than the first ones, keep up the good work!!
Dejavu   +1y
not only probly a better design that way but also looks a lot better as well... function and style
do_spiderman   +1y
Yeah, I am all about getting rid of some of the camber so I can ride lower.
still2low4urho   +1y
ditto....when can we start seeing some for sale? I am interested
slammedxonair   +1y
ok cool you guys confirmed it for me, it was the origional idea that i had in my head in the first place. so im going to stick with it, finnish them up and get them on my truck to double check everything. there should be no problems at all with clearances. i have been researching this project for a long time now. would you guys be interested in makeing a list of people on here that are interested in uppers or lowers so i have a rough idea of how much materials i am going to need when i make the first run. right now i am looking at roughly $700 for uppers and lowers using the material pricing i currently have available, i know i still have a little bit of work to do with them but im just trying to give you guys a rough idea of what you would be looking at before listing that you are interested. if you want email me with your name and phone number and obviously your email addy which would be on there, and i can start up a list from all of the forums that i am on. im not asking for anymoney at this time,and i will let you all know when i am ready and recontact each person on the list to see if they would like to purchase at that time. Thanks again for all of your support everybody.
msturg   +1y
Brian, the lowers aren't helping to fix any camber correct? or any more than a DJM does at least? How much are you thinking just the uppers will run?
slammedxonair   +1y
no the lowers dont really change anything as far as camber goes. the djm arms basically raise the lower balljoint 2 inchs and change the balljoint angle and thats how they give the drop. mine keeps the balljoints on a similar plain to the djm arms in relation to the bushings.

as for pricing, probably about $350 uppers $350 lowers im not 100% on that yet. the lowers have more bending and notching involved and the uppers have the drilling and tapping involved so i need to finnish figuring this out pretty quick. could be a little bit of a difference between the pricing but like i said these are rough numbers.
riddinlow99   +1y
new design looks great but since Im one of those that run wide and tall rims with a rwd offset my uppers come up so high that they hit the powerstearing pump i may get ahold of you brian to make me a set with the single adjuster
greenranger 23   +1y
i'm definetly interested in a set of uppers. i like the new design.

^^^^wesley you still coming down for midwest dragfest.
slammedxonair   +1y
do you have a pic of it hitting? if you dont want to post it email it to be, thanks.