Originally posted by bagged85
i also wana say the arm lenght. since the lower is way longer then the upper it binds out quicker.
Not necessarily the LCA length in comparison to the UCA length, but the UCA length in relation to the balljoint. I had this same issue with the Nissan. The UCA is so short (about 6.5" from cross shaft to balljoint) that it creates a tighter arc for the balljoint to travel on. This tighter arc makes the balljoint move more than it should need to, and thats what limits the travel. I can only get 9 inches of travel out of the Nissan suspension before the balljoint binds on both ends. If that UCA was longer, by say 2 inches, it would probably travel 12 inches very easily before binding. But changing the geometry that is already there isn't always a good idea, unless you really spend the time to do it right.