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Old School Minis \  where are they now?

where are they now?

Old School Minis General Discussions
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FreaksLo720   +1y

---------------------------------------------Originally posted by Slappy Mc Nastyhow about the legendary Sal Napoli from Las Vegas, the owner of "smooth character". every time he brought out the newest build, i was floored. the innovations he had were before their time (in my eyes)..  i cant find the previous build pics but this is the last rendition he built of the mazda.  ---------------------------------------------sal still rolls this out to a show here and there. smooth carater was sold and redone a few years back. last i heard it was going to cali about 6 months ago. if not its still for sale n my boys garage. oh and the MIC blazer is now n a nor cal chapter of 
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Slappy Mc Nasty   +1y

---------------------------------------------Originally posted by FreaksLo720     oh and the MIC blazer is now n a nor cal chapter of  ---------------------------------------------if im not mistaken, the mic blazer now resides in lemoore, the next town over from  me. i see it now and then just hangin out outside a body shop in hanford tho. maybe he works there. still a mint ride
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astrowoody75   +1y
the pink nissan next to ericks tacoma belongs to my boy joseph, i have to scan some pics of it but now its a  primered black convertable rotting away in his boys back yard.very sad
jcjcsoccerkid   +1y
whats the story on the orange nissan in the back?  
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Edited: 7/9/2009 12:53:02 PM by NOTLONUF

here's an old one from the first Blooddrag  check out them Local Minis Logos reppin in the back ground!
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purpl7duece   +1y
---------------------------------------------Originally posted by jcjcsoccerkidwhats the story on the orange nissan in the back?  --------------------------------------------- I think the owner of Lucky Luciano Custom Paint in Phoenix is the owner of it now. Still looked good when I saw it a year or so ago.
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Billz Kustomz   +1y
---------------------------------------------Originally posted by framedrangerEdited: 1/23/2009 5:02:28 PM by framedranger---------------------------------------------Originally posted by BigMikeAtGauge Anyone know where this picture was taken. The lime green ranger with the upside down tailights was my first truck. I have no clue on the whereabouts? hey Mike I lost the email address you gave me so here is the story. I bought the ranger in sept 06 at a auto auction in Comstock park Michigan (dirt cheap I thought). I had to limp the truck home it was in rough shape the motor would not turn more than 2500rpm without falling on its face, the tranny was shot, the park pin was blown threw the side of the case and had no overdrive, also had no working lights or blinkers. Well after getting it home I started on getting it to run good which was as easy as replacing the mass air flow sensor. Next was the light problem all the wires were hacked to shit and I had to rerun a lot of them needless to say all lights and blinkers work now. Then I set out for a new tranny, after that I put a new dashboard and all other interior trim in there getting rid of the old stuff that was all wrapped in carpet. Then I got some 18” rims put them on then redid the inside of the box with sheet metal and got in coated with bedliner. After that I got new valves bags and engine driven air compressor and reran all that stuff, at that point I left it alone and drove it for awhile before deciding it needed to lay frame. I started to redo the front bag mounts, notch the frame for the tie rods and make the rear notch a little deeper. After getting it to lay frame I drove it a little more before deciding to pull back in the garage for the body drop. I got the body drop done sold the step side box and bought a fleet side box and now its currently getting ready for paint and new rims. That’s pretty much the story of the ranger since I bought it. Its been fun but also a headache of a project getting it to this point but its almost done.(Do you want to buy it back…LOL) I kind of curios of how many people owned it after you and how much you sold it for and why did you sell it? When I bought it was registard to a Mexican man in Wyoming, Mi ….I did see a pic of it on under indy bash show coverage 04 or 05 that must been when you owned it.. It almost brought it with me to indy bash 08 but I chickened out and drove my car instead. Any way man that’s the story of your old truck hope you enjoyed it…………….

---------------------------------------....... ........     bed sides are just sitting there                                                                                     --------------------------------------------- I'm the new owner of this truck and i have been driving it daily THANKS RICK!
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bagtodrag   +1y
---------------------------------------------Originally posted by bagtodragWhat ever happened to Freenman's old Yota? Repainted it then sold it to some youngster but haven't heard hide nor hair of this thing in like 3 years.---------------------------------------------
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lowjetta   +1y

this thing was on the cover of mini truckin in the late 90s i believe. it was purple.  
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lowjetta   +1y

ran across this lookn at some old show coverage. never seen it with that front end. was erics mazda in mini truckn dont remember.

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